A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1-S.C.İşler, E.Cansız, C.Tanyel, M.Soluk, F.Selvi, Z.Çebi, ‘‘The Effect of Irrigation Temperature on Bone Healing’’, International Journal of Medical Sciences, 8:704-708 pp., 2011
A2- A.B.Çankaya, M.A.Erdem, S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, M.Soluk, Ç.Kasapoğlu, C.K.Oral, ‘‘Use of Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography for Evaluation of Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws in an Experimental Rat Model’’ International Journal of Medical Sciences 8: 667-672 pp., 2011
A3- M.A.Erdem, A.B.Çankaya, S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, M.Soluk, Ç.Kasapoglu, C.K.Oral, ‘‘Extraction socket healing in rats treated with bisphosphonate: Animal model for bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of jaws in multiple myeloma patients’’ Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirurgia Bucal, 15: 2011
A4-S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, E.Cansiz, ‘‘Closure of oroantral fistula using auricular cartilage: a new method to repair an oroantral fistula’’, British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 27: 2011, DOI:10.1016/j.bjoms.2011.03.262
A5-S.Çakarer, F.Selvi, S.C.İşler, C.Keskin, ‘‘Decompression, Enucleation and Implant Placement in the Management of a Large Dentigerous Cyst’’, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 22: 922-924 pp., 2011
A6-S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, S.Çakarer, Z.Çebi, C.Keskin, M.Soluk, E.Yüzbaşioğlu, ‘‘Effects of folk medicinal plant extract Ankaferd Blood Stopper on early bone healing’’, Journal of Applied Oral Science, 18:409-414 pp., 2010
A7-S.Çakarer, F.Selvi, S.C.İşler, V.Olgaç, C.Keskin, ‘‘Complication of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement in the mandible’’ Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 21:1196-1198 pp., 2010
A8-S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, T.Can, Z.Çebi, E.Baca, ‘‘Immediate implants after enucleation of an odontogenic keratocyst: an early return to function’’ , Journal of Oral Implantology, 12: 2010, DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-10-00027
A9-S.Çakarer, F.Selvi, S.C.İşler, M.Soluk, V.Olgaç, C.Keskin C, ‘‘Intraosseous lipoma of the mandible: a case report and review of the literature’’, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 38:900-902 pp., 2009
A10- S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, M.Soluk, Z.Çebi, ‘‘Radiologic evaluation of an unusually sized complex odontoma involving the maxillary sinus by cone beam computed tomography’’ Quintessence International, 40:533-535 pp., 2009
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
B1. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, Z.Çebi, E.Kalaycıoğlu, 1st Scientific Congress of Hellenic, Israeli and Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in conjunction with the 17th scientific congress of Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons ‘‘Interesting case:kissing molars’’, 92 pp., İstanbul-Türkiye, Ekim, 2010
B2. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, E.Cansız, Z.Çebi, 1st Scientific Congress of Hellenic, Israeli and Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in conjunction with the 17th scientific congress of Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons ‘‘Ear cartilage for repair of oroantral communication’’, 99 pp., İstanbul-Türkiye, Ekim, 2010
B3. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, S.Çakarer, Z.Çebi, C.Keskin, 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, European Association for Osseointegration, ‘‘Extraoral application of osseointegrated implants, case report’’, 32 pp., Glasgow-İngiltere, Ekim, 2010
B4. S.Çakarer, T.Can, D.Mutlu, S.C.İşler, F.Selvi, S.Demircan, C.Keskin, 34th annual congress of the European Prosthetic Association, ’’Reconstruction Of The Atrophic Maxillary Esthetic Zone Using Mandibular Symphysis Graft and Dental Implants’’, 136 pp., Priştine-Kosova, Eylül, 2010
B5. S.Demircan, M.A.Erdem, S.C.İşler, A.B.Çankaya, S.Çakarer, Ç.Kasapoğlu, 16th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘To form an animal model for the bisphosphonate induced jaw osteonecrosis; experimental study’’ 59-60 pp., Nevşehir-Türkiye, Kasım, 2009
B6. A.B.Çankaya, M.A.Erdem, S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, C.K.Oral, 16th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘The evaluation of the bisphosphonate induced jaw osteonecrosis in the experimental bone defects in terms of Hounsfield Scores’’, 63-64 pp., Nevşehir-Türkiye, Kasım, 2009
B7. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, A.B.Çankaya, M.A.Erdem, G.Güven, Z.Çebi, 16th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Erupted complex odontoma; case report’’, 102 pp., Nevşehir-Türkiye, Kasım, 2009
B8. T.Clasen, S.Çakarer, S.C.İşler, S.Janicke, C.Keskin, 16th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Coronal approach in the treatment of naso-orbitoethmoid fracture: a case report’’, 125-126 pp., Nevşehir-Türkiye, Kasım, 2009
B9. M.A.Erdem, B.Çankaya, S.C.İşler, G.Horoz, V.Olgaç, Ç.Kasapoğlu, 2nd Congress of World Federation for Laser Dentistry European Division, ‘‘Treatment of cavernous hemangioma with diode laser, A case report’’, 99 pp., İstanbul-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2009
B10. M.A.Erdem, B.Çankaya, S.Çakarer, S.C.İşler, G.Horoz, Ç.Kasapoğlu, 2nd Congress of World Federation for Laser Dentistry European Division, ‘‘Treatment of denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia with diode laser, A case report’’, 100 pp., İstanbul-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2009
B11. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, Z.Çebi, H.Balcı, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Normal serum bone markers in bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws; experimental study’’, 78 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, 29 Ekim-2 Kasım, 2008
B12. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, M.Soluk, F.Selvi, S.Çakarer, Z.Çebi, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘The effects of Ankaferd Blood Stoper on extraction socket healing; experimental study on rats’’, 83 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, 29 Ekim-2 Kasım,2008
B13. S.C.İşler, A.B.Çankaya, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Major complications during third molar surgery; two case reports’’, 104 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, 29 Ekim-2 Kasım, 2008
B14. F.Selvi, S.C.İşler, C.Keskin, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons ‘‘The importance of clinical evaluation in the localisation of foreign bodies’’, 130-131 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, 29 Ekim-2 Kasım, 2008
B15. S.Çakarer, T.Can, S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Squamous cell carcinoma in the maxilla: 2 case reports’’, 135 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, 29 Ekim-2 Kasım, 2008
B16. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, 15th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Giant Odontoma, report of two cases’’, Antalya-Türkiye, 143 pp., 29 Ekim-2 Kasım, 2008
B17. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, S.Çakarer, E.Yüzbaşıoğlu, M.Soluk, Z.Çebi, C.Keskin, VIIIth International Congress of Association of Oral Surgery ‘‘The effects of Ankaferd Blood Stoper on early period of bone and soft tissue healing; experimental study on rats’’, 65 pp., Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B18. S.Çakarer, B.Atalay, S.C.İşler, M.Soluk, V.Olgaç, C.Keskin, VIIIth International Congress of Association of Oral Surgery, ‘‘Intraosseous lipoma: a case report and review of the literature’’, 67 pp., Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B19. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, O.Oral, VIIIth International Scientific congress of Association of Oral Surgery, ‘‘Management of a severely atrophic alveolar crest by onlay bone graft and osseointegrated implants; 3 case report, 64 pp., Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B20. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, E.Baca, VIIIth International Scientific congress of Association of Oral Surgery, ‘‘Metastatic kidney carcinoma of maxillary sinus :a case report and review of the literature’’, 82 pp., Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B21. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, E. Baca, VIIIth International Scientific congress of Association of Oral Surgery, ‘‘Oral cancers and prosthetic rehabilitation: 2 case presentation’’ , 86 pp., Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B22. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, A.B.Çankaya, Z.Çebi, VIIIth International Scientific congress of Association of Oral Surgery, ‘‘Accidental displacement of an impacted maxillary third molar into the infratemporal region: a case report’’, 92 pp.,Bodrum-Türkiye, Mayıs, 2008
B23. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, Z.Çebi, 14th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Miniplate Osteosynthesis and Resorbable Fixation Materials’’, 41 pp., Antalya- Türkiye, 31 Mayıs- 4 Haziran, 2007
B24. B.Dindar, N.Aksakalli, S.C.İşler, S.Soley, Z.Çebi, 14th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Osteoma in mandible; Case report’’, 51 pp., Antalya- Türkiye, 31 Mayıs-4 Haziran, 2007
B25. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, V.Olgaç, 14th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Ostesarcoma in mandible; Case report’’, 78 pp., Antalya- Türkiye, 31 Mayıs-4 Haziran, 2007
B26. M.A.Erdem, E.Baca, S.C.İşler, Ç.Kasapoglu, ‘‘Rehabilitation of fully edentoulus upper jaw implant supported bar retained prosthesis’’, 14th International Congress of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 120 pp., Antalya- Türkiye, 31 Mayıs-4 Haziran, 2007
B27. S.C.Isler, Z.Çebi, A.Altay 5th International Danubius Conference On Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery jointly with The 8 th Congress of The Hungarian Association Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘Werner’s syndrome’’, 26 pp., Budapest- Macaristan 29 Nisan-1 Mayıs, 2004
C. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
C1. S.Çakarer, N.Aksakallı, E.Eyüpoğlu, S.C.İşler, C.Keskin, ‘‘Mandibulada solid anevrizmal kemik kisti:Olgu sunumu’’, İstanbul Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 43: 93-98 pp., 2009
C2. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, T.Can, S.Çakarer, Z.Çebi, K.Değer, "Gömük üst yirmi yaş dişinin maksiller sinüse kaçırılması", Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri , 15: 224-227 pp., 2009
D. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
D1. S.C.İşler, S.Öz, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, G.Evlioğlu, Oral Cerrahi Derneği’nin VII., Protez Akademisi ve Gnatoloji Derneği’nin VIII.. Ulusal Bilimsel Kongresi, ‘‘Maksillektomi uygulanacak hastalarda dentoalveoler yaklaşım’’, Bodrum-Türkiye, 27 Mayıs- 2 Haziran, 2006.
D2. S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, S.C.İşler, Oral Cerrahi Derneği’nin VII. Protez Akademisi ve Gnatoloji Derneği’nin VIII. Ulusal Bilimsel Kongresi, ‘‘Tükürük bezi hastalıklarında endoskopi’’, Bodrum-Türkiye, 27 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2006
D3. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, A.B.Çankaya, M.A.Erdem, Oral Cerrahi Derneği’nin VII. Protez Akademisi ve Gnatoloji Derneği’nin VIII.. Ulusal Bilimsel Kongresi, ‘‘İltihapsal fibröz hiperplazilerde tedavi yaklaşımları’’, Bodrum-Türkiye, 27 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2006
D4.B.Dindar, S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, S.Soley, Oral Cerrahi Derneği’nin VII. Protez Akademisi ve Gnatoloji Derneği’nin VIII. Ulusal Bilimsel Kongresi, ‘‘Osteogenezis imperfektalı hastalarda dentoalveoler yaklaşımlar’’, Bodrum-Türkiye, 27 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2006.
D5. S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, Z.Çebi, A.B.Çankaya, M.A.Erdem, Oral Cerrahi Derneği’nin VII. Protez Akademisi ve Gnatoloji Derneği’nin VIII. Ulusal Bilimsel Kongresi, ‘‘Mandibulada osteomyelit, olgu sunumu’’, Bodrum-Türkiye, 27 Mayıs-2 Haziran, 2006
D6. S.Demircan, S.C.İşler, Z.Çebi, 1.Türk Dişhekimliğinde Laser Derneği Kongresi, ‘‘Oral kavite kanserlerinin tedavisinde fotodinamik terapi’’, 55 pp., Antalya-Türkiye, Ekim, 2007.
E. Diğer yayınlar :
E1-Atıf alan Makaleler
E1a.Atıf alan makale:A4- S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, S.Çakarer, Z.Çebi, C.Keskin, M.Soluk, E.Yüzbaşioğlu, ‘‘Effects of folk medicinal plant extract Ankaferd Blood Stopper on early bone healing’’, Journal of Applied Oral Science, 18:409-414, 2010
Atıf sayısı: 1
Atıf eden makale:
Y.Beyazit, M.Kurt, M.Kekilli, H.Goker, I.C.Haznedaroglu, ‘‘Evaluation of hemostatic effects of Ankaferd as an alternative medicine’’, Alternative Medicine Review, 15:329-36, 2010
E1b.Atıf alan makale:A7- S.Çakarer, F.Selvi, S.C.İşler, M.Soluk, V.Olgaç, C.Keskin, ‘‘Intraosseous lipoma of the mandible: a case report and review of the literature’’, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 38:900-902, 2009
Atıf sayısı: 2
Atıf eden makaleler:
S.M.Stokes, J.P.Wood , J.T.Castle , ‘‘Maxillary intraosseous spindle cell lipoma’’, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 69:e131-134, 2011
A.L.Morais, E.F.Mendonça, A.H.de Alencar, C.Estrela, "Intraosseous lipoma in the periapical region of a maxillary third molar", Journal of Endodontics, 554-557 pp., 2011
E1c.Atıf alan makale:A8- S.C.İşler, S.Demircan, M.Soluk, Z.Çebi, ‘‘Radiologic evaluation of an unusually sized complex odontoma involving the maxillary sinus by cone beam computed tomography’’ Quintessence International, 40:533-535, 2009
Atıf sayısı:1
Atıf eden makale:
B.Vandenberghe, R.Jacobs, H.Bosmans, ‘‘Modern dental imaging: a review of the current technology and clinical applications in dental practice’’, European Radiology,20:2637-2655, 2010
E2. Uluslararası kongrelerde davetli konuşmacı olarak sunulan sunumlar (Mini-lecture) :
E2a. S.C.İşler, 1st Scientific Congress of Hellenic, Israeli and Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in conjunction with the 17th scientific congress of Turkish Associations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, ‘‘The autogenous bone grafts in oral and maxillofacial surgery’’, İstanbul-Türkiye, Ekim, 2010